Starting a record company/Productions and marketing


New member
Hey guys, my names zach..

I have been working at a record company in productions and marketing for years now and is just now going to get a start-up.

What we do:
() Publicity for aspiring artists
() Advertising
() CD Sales and Copying
() Pay from sales
() Personal websites, Music myspace's, sound clicks.. whatever you want
() Local Gigs in your area and places to perform
and much more... (Note: our services are at no cost to you)-

If your an artist or even someone intrested in helping with the team and being a part of the marketing, please just send me a email to my home email address.
When emailing please include information about yourself, links to your music, and why you should be apart of our record company.

What we are looking for:
Team people and producers
Web help
And graphics help.

We currently dont have a website but it is underway and we currnetly dont have a set name for our company. We were deciding on Guest Records but the name is now open for public. You can email with ideas for a name also..

We hardly deny anyone because everyone has talent in our eyes. so dont worry or be hesitant to email me..

----- Records, inc
I agree. Some people sound good and some sound great! The ones that sound great are the ones you guys should be looking for.