Starter Home Studio Newbie


New member
So I want to build myself a small home studio, I have a decent computer set aside of this only. I have a MAudio midi keyboard, a set of turntables, a guitar and a Korg Kaos Pad I want to be able to connect in order to record myself (getting professional sound quality and being able to obviously put each on its own question is what piece of equipment such as mixer interface should I be looking for...I'm not looking to get something expensive like Pro Tools, just something simple that will work....sorry if I sound like an idiot but I guess im just wana make sure I get the right device...buddy of mine mentioned Tascom US-122 MKII....i assume i need something similar to that?
Get the Tascam US800 from B&H now, before they sell out. Originally $250, $99 now as it has been discontinued. I have a US800 testing thread in the newbie forum. US122 has low preamp gain. The 800 may seem a bit overkill, but the preamps are quite clean and have 60db gain level. And it comes with Cubase LE5.
getting professional sound quality

I just want to say early on to not get your hopes up on this aspect. "professional sound quality" ussually comes from being a professional and having the knowledge, experience and equiptment to achieve this quality.

Sorry to start with this rant, but It is one thing that I wish I would have been told early on. I ALWAYS got my hopes up and was ALWAYS dissapointed to hear my outcomes. The best advice I recomend is that you start as much research, reading and question asking as possible! It will be a life saver!
Get the Tascam US800 from B&H now, before they sell out. Originally $250, $99 now as it has been discontinued. I have a US800 testing thread in the newbie forum. US122 has low preamp gain. The 800 may seem a bit overkill, but the preamps are quite clean and have 60db gain level. And it comes with Cubase LE5.

You got a link to where this deal is at?
Sorry to say that B&H is 'temporarily" out of stock. Hope it really is temporary, but you never know, No one else has it at this price.
Saw that coming. I have a couple that I purchased for when this happened. If any members want one, they are $99+shipping. That is under $20 insured USPS in the states.
I have no problem doing that. Didn't buy them to make money, just to help out members here. Find out what shipping from Denver, Colorado is to your location. Then PM me and we can do a PayPal transfer. Package will be 6"X16"X20". Under 5lbs.
Thanks Jimmy, very helpful indeed.

jees !! just looked at UPS Worldwide and their cheapest package is £112 which equates to $177 !!

kind of defeats the object!! I'll see if I can find any cheaper - any recommendations of anyone stateside who I could try?
$50 is much more pallatable bearing in mind to buy over here the cheapest i can see is £200 ($316!).

I'd happily take up the offer if the delivery costs were under say $75, still a better deal for me and certainly worth doing.

If you really didn't mind I'd be eternally gratefull and would happily transfer funds to your paypal account.
Even using the box I was going to ship in, it was under $75. Not sure if it will fit in one of their 'flat rate' boxes ($50). I can't seem to find a damn tape measure in my house. lol. I'm a friggen tile contractor. Very sad....

PM me with your mailing address. I will get back to you tonight with the actual cost. I can send it out tomorrow. Should take about 6 days to arrive.

Actually, there is a post office on way to my job today. I will just take it there and get an accurate cost. Then we can do the PayPal dealio.
Oh, and by the way, this is new/unused in the box. I don't like shipping in the box that shows what the product is tho. :)
Broomfield!??! Where the heck is Broomfield?

And why would they all be outstanding in their fields with brooms?