Star Man, new song


New member
Hello to all, just finished to mix/master this new song called "Star Man", as always your comments are welcome, don't hold back.

I had 3 goals in this song:

1) make the guitars bigger (the last song i made they were too thin and couldn't fix it), so now i changed a little the mic position on the speaker adding a soft angle to add more body and bass to the signal.

2) Make a catchy chorus, my goal is that you guys, at the end of the song, remember the repeating part of the chorus. Of course, if you get what i'm saying, sorry Greg, this one may not be for you, but at least check the guitars point, your guitars always sound awesome.

3) Add power to my voice, this was the most hard part, first i started the song in the A mayor key, but the chorus was too down, too boring, no power at all, so i re-tracked the whole song in the Bb key, just a half tone up. The result was way better (i think), i'm not forcing my voice at any time. Off course, i couldn't make a 3rd up for the final chorus as i wanted, but i think the outcome was good, not awesome, but good.


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The guitars sound ok. I wasn't really blown away, but they weren't distracting either.
The lead riff after the bridge was cool. I'd turn that up.

Some of your drums are a little buried, especially the snare. Though I do like the driving high hat in the chorus.

The vocals sound double-tracked during the chorus.. I don't know if you wanted to blend them so that they sound like one powerful voice or if you wanted the two very similar singers sound, but you got the latter.

It was pretty catchy, so good job there.
It sounds cool. You could really make your accent work for you. I'm not sure I can explain how to do it. I guess try singing into your accent a little more forcibly when you're pronouncing words. Experiment a little.
I think the distorted guitars could sound bigger if you turned down the gain on them. They sound over driven and a little fizzy.

The chorus is catchy. I liked it.

I'd pan the double tracked vocals to the center. You could put a bit of chorus on them, but be careful to make it real subtle. A 30 msec delay might help too.
I notice your guitar sound is better than last time....and you're concentrating on playing the anticipation beats without lifting. Good!

Gotta say that the lyric is fab: "X-ray to the bone" LOVE that one!
And , "...the one who you look out"

I'm not panning what you do. It's unique...and campy Japanese rock.....with fractured translations. I like it.

Please don't think I'm being a smartass. I do like this...exactly because of the things you bring to fractured phrases.

You have something real good going on. Just keep getting better at it...and somebody is gonna think your music is da bomb for a movie or show.
VomitHatSteve: thanks for listening... i was looking for a powerful chorus... so i didn't make it... glup.

TripleM: thanks for the advice, i'll check that out, but my question is, how metal bands do it then? they use a lot of gain. Maybe with more guitar tracks?

jeffmaher: haha, thanks again. But i never said "the one who you look out"... i said "the one that you look out". It's the last part in the chorus. Anyway thanks again, you now how to cheer me out... smartass? why? i enjoy your comments, they help me to improve, and that's why i'm looking for comments.

Cheers, thanks to all again! :drunk:

BTW, i'm starting a band with a real lead singer :D so, probably you wont listen to my pretty voice again. :(
but my question is, how metal bands do it then? they use a lot of gain. Maybe with more guitar tracks?

They might be using less than you think. I think a lot of it comes down to mic selection and placement. Selection of mic pre's. Some of it is in the playing. Some of it is equipment - IMO nothing beats a real good tube amp. Double tracking is common. Multiple mics are often used - but there's a lot of education needed to get that stuff right.
VomitHatSteve: thanks for listening... i was looking for a powerful chorus... so i didn't make it... glup.

I think I know what you're trying for. In this recording, it sounds like the double-voices are panned hard right/left and offset by a few msecs... This usually works to bring out the vocals, but it also is obvious there are two voices. To create a "big single voice", try having one voice dead center, and two offset vocals which are about 1/2 right and left (not panned all the way), with the gain turned down a bit on the panned vocals. In my experience, this has created the effect of fattening up the main vocal, without making it obvious there are multiple vocals tracks.

Not a bad tune. Keep it up.
I loved the Starman series as a kid. Japanese man in red (?) jump suit with a silver star & cowl.
This is pretty cool.
the guitars are a little fizzy - DI'd pedal or effects I assume. Cut the highs a little bit & boost some of the mids.
The accent works for the song & theme.
The chorus works well - big tick for achieveing your aim on that one.