Standard Rock Song


New member
Ok, so this is my first ever attempt at recording my entire band, and i just wanted to get some advice on what to change in this mix. I know there are obvious things like bringing the vocals down, and the drums up a bit.

The drums were done with 4 mics (two overheads, bass drum, and snare/hh)

So please rip this apart and offer any compression, EQ, effects suggestions.

One thing i would like is fuller vocals....

here is the link:

I don't think the vocals need to be fuller. They sound like they were recorded a year after the rest of the band. The backing needs to come up to meet them and maybe some reverb would help it blend with the other instruments. A wee bit of compression might not hurt as well.
I like it.

Not really my genre but I like all types of music.

The left side is a little bare.
I would have probably moved the snare to the left somemore.
Find something, Overhead, HiHat, etc and move it to the left more.

If this is a RAW mix, then its pretty good to me.


More Bass would have been nice
Hi Sean

Sounds like you guys have put the work in as far as rehearsal goes. Nice tight band sound. The vocals sound very good.
If this is a live and raw mix then I say you did a good job.
You could try putting everyone under headphones and playing the music, then add vocals later and do a proper mix.
Depends which way you decide to go recording wise.
If you guys are in you're 20's and that good I'd just hit the road for a while and do gigs.

Have Fun!
yep this is good. The left panned guitar could come out some more, and bring the background vocals up front with the main with a lil verb on them to collage it with the music. A little eq play on the bass could bring it out a bit more. Drum kit and instruments sound pretty good to me man.
I thought the vocals weren't too bad. But maybe an EQ cut in the mids (1500-2000hz) and a SMALL EQ boost at about 400hz might give a little fuller sound to them without screwing things up. That's just a guess to use as a starting point. The song could use some harmonies during the chorus.

I thought the guitars, and to a lesser extent the bass, suffered from a lack of fullness more than the vocals. They're somewhat thin sounding, and this kind of song really needs to have them give the listener a kick.
-Vocals are OK just a little loud
-Distorted Guitar seems a little dry. Maybe just add a tinge of delay and reverb
-Drums are OK

Overall pretty good
Hey!! Where'v I heard that intro lick be-fo? :D

Good vocalist. In this recording, I'm surprised that the drums sound relatively well tracked... however, that gives way to your mix which... isn't doing the song justice (IMHO).

Vocal may be too dry, for one. Needs some doubling & possibly some reverb. Guitars are getting lost (if that's possible)... vocal level is probably ... (gasp) too loud? That's a rare occurence in most tracks heard here.

Some mud down there on the bass... punching it out with the lows on guitars as well as some kick drum. Fix: Roll off all lows under about 150 on guitars... and cut about 3db out of the bass guitar between 80 & 100.

Second listen: Cymbals (o.h.'s) need more level (compression could help). Snare sounds OK, but almost underpowered.

These suggestions, and those of the others in this thread could give your current tracks a level of improvement. But ultimately, if you'd like a real kick-up in "level", recommend better drum tracking (ultimately)... (not "playing"... just the "tracking"/"recording"... better mics/mic placements/rooms/etc)...

Good luck with this.

vocals are loud enough that's for sure. maybe too loud?

the drums are almost non existant in this mix. sorry, i don't know anything about recording drums but that snare and bass drum just aren't doing the song justice.