Stage Piano to replace GEM Promega 2


New member
Hey all,

I currently have a Promega2 stage piano, which is getting a little old now. It's a fantastic piano with a great sound BUT it weighs a TON and makes my life hell when gigging. I've been looking into getting a new piano for live use; I mainly use Piano, Organ & Rhodes sounds.

Initially I thought about carrying around a 2U rackmount PC with me and using some fantastic sounds I have on there (Lounge Lizard, B3 etc) but it just isnt practical.

I was at a rehearsal place that had the Nord Stage 88 key and to say I was blown away would be a complete understatement. The only problem is that it costs a BOMB.

Nord do a rack version, the Nord Electro 2 Rack which is a 3rd of the price but means i'l have to spend 3/4 hundred pounds on a decent weighted 88 key controller.

Is there any cheaper modules/pianos that live up to the sound of the Nord or would you recommend just going with my instincts and getting the separate rack and controller?

Any tips would be great, and remember, I want a realistic rhodes, organ and piano... and I mean realistic!

Thanks in advance,

TM :)
i'ld have to look at the kurzweil pc3 series (new) four flavors (61non weighted/76 spring weighted/88 full tilt/rack mount) all the reviews sem to be great... buit like you i've been thinking of going with a rack mount cpu and a controller...
I took my computer to my first gig last night (its not rackmounted yet) and on the first two boots it didnt recognize my soundcard. It has NEVER happened since i've had the machine and typically when I got to the gig it just wouldnt initialize!
I had to open it and fiddle about for a while and eventually my computer recognized it.

Somewhat scary and leaves me to believe it is not the best way to go?
take a look at the Kawai MP8. I think it has phenomenal sounds and great action. But it does weigh a ton, nor is it cheap... hmmm, i think i may have just wasted your time... sorry :P
:cool:Yo TechnoM:

Well, we are HERE in the Colonies; you are there WHERE there are a few vendors near many pubs.

You can, for sure, check out plenty of Keyboards THERE where you may find what you need.

Here, I use an 88 Korg stage piano for my studio for a few friends who like the 88 keys. Simple keyboard with a a few stops. More complicated keys will, of course, be heavier.

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