ST audio DSP24 Value problems, again :(


New member
Now I've managed to get sound from value card, wav and midi, but recording is a another thing. I use Cubase 5, Gigastudio 96 and Soundforge 5 for recording. I have my hifi connected in 1/2 RCA output. I have tried to study manual but all these inputs and outputs make me confused! I only get odd sounds when recording and always there is some messages like: "output/input is used by another program." Tell me how do you set your out/inputs in internal and output mixer. What about in programs like Soundforge?

Also I cant use the value's own ASIO driver in Cubase. It is strangely used for some other program too...

I would appreciate if you send "beginner tutorialish advice" to me, because I'm totally lost. I didn't have any problems with Live Platinium card.