SR16 hook up to sequencer


New member
I'm trying to get my SR16 to work with the sequencer in my Yamaha sy77. When I hook it up to use channel 16 to make drum patterns, it won't record what I'm playing on the sr16, but just plays whatever pattern is currently called up. I was wondering if the sy77 can tell the sr16 what pattern to play and when?
All the sr16 manual says is that you can do it but I don't see where it tells you how.

Looks like you need to dive into learning about midi mapping and what not. Good luck!!! I spend alot of time on the phone with friends that know more than I and still it is a pain in the ass.

Just make sure that ALL of the midi I/O's are on the right channels. I have found that their are many little variations while routing midi that will keep things from working.

Usually your best bet is to learn one midi device as best as you can. All others will follow a similar theme.

Good luck.
