Spoox Audio Magazine - strange sounds


New member

I thought this could be of interest to other audio people...

A friend and I have started up a non-profit audio magazine called Spoox.

Spoox wants to serve as an outlet for audio that's too strange to be published otherwise.

The only criteria for submissions is that it's strange and it's audio. Found audio, stories, interviews, biology recordings, even music... any kind of audio, but it must be unfamiliar--cause one's ears to perk up with curiousity, and make one's gut cringe. I'm sure you guys have come across weird sounds when recording, like I have. That strange sound your dog makes when he/she yawns, or document the sound of the mice in your walls.

Issue one is out now and takes the shape of a CD with booklet. Future issues may be in different formats.

Our website:

You can hear a medley on our myspace:

I only charge for materials, and shipping where applicable, because I'm excited to get this out there. All prices are in Canadian dollars:

Spoox is selling for $3 through me directly.

$5 total to ship within Canada.

$7 total to ship to the US.

$10 total to ship elsewhere.

Redcat Records (http://www.redcat.ca) and Blim (http://www.blim.ca) here in Vancouver, BC are selling them, and they've marked them up about a couple bucks.

And contributors get a free copy, of course! So contribute!

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