Sponsorships/Endorsments? Producers?


New member
I am venturing into a whole new ball game of which I am completely clueless and really need some down to earth advice or info.

I recently handed my self produced album to a Dean guitar store. They handed it off to a producer who works a long list of large contacts . The producer showed interest and so the guitar store wants to help me get a sponsorship or endorsment(Same Thing?). I know nothing about the procedure or results. What should I expect or from a sponsorship/endorsment?

My next question is about producers. I had a meeting with this producer this morning to go over some new music samples and get introductions out of the way. He has expressed interest in my songwriting as well as vocal skills. The possibilities with this contact could include: Getting some of my songs on TV or in Movies, doing some vocals for his songs, referal to larger record companies, etc... Again, this is new ground for me and I don't know what to look for or expect. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I read that thread! Hillarious!

This is not a "basement beat maker", I believe he is the real music making deal
Endorsement and sponsership are, I believe, basically the same thing but from different viewpoints. A product sponsors (pays and/or equips) you in exchange for you endorsing (using and extoling) them.

What a producer does varies depending on context. I think that in some musical cases, the producer is the one who does the actual mastering/running the recording. Often though he just provides the money for a project. Usually a producer expects to be paid back for all the money he invests in a project (unless he REALLY believes in what you're doing) plus some extra to make it worth his time.

Basically make sure that you get everything that he intends to do and everything he wants from you in writing and look it over carefully (probably with a lawyer).
GH - pick up a copy of Moses Avalon's Confessions of a Record Producer -- has a lot of insight in all these areas of the business.
After they tell you what they're going to do for you, alway respond with the question, "and exactly what do you expect in return from me?"... second question... "ware you willing to put that in writing?" Then bring it to an extertainment lawyer for review...
Blue Bear- Thanks for the book idea, i'll check it out

RocDoc- Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep it in mind

VomitHatSteve- Thanks for defining the difference and giving me some detail.