Splitting Tracks

dewi aka

New member
What would be the best way to have a CD be split into tracks on protools. I am putting together a greatest hits for my band and i'd like to put it together on protools and split the tracks manually. Looking for a seamless CD.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Need a bit more information:
1) Are you talking about a CD that you already recorded? Or some CD that you bought?
2) Are you trying to split the individual songs into tracks, i.e. separate the drums/piano/guitar/vocals fro each song into separate tracks?
If you're just trying ("just" he says...) to put together a disc of songs, you need a PQ editor. ProTools is not a PQ editor.
Sounds like you mean splitting the songs on various CDs to make a new compilation? Most audio CD-burning software willl do that for you - Roxio Creator or Toast, Nero, etc.
oh im sorry, i'll explain a little better.

I would like to arrange our songs to where I can fade into the next without having a hard track break. Dark Side of the Moon is a good example. Each song just kinda fades into the next. (IN NO WAY AM I COMPARING US TO FLOYD IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM).

Maybe a better way to put it, is if i take a vinyl record and put it on CD how could i have track breaks in it. As it stands now, track 1 is the whole record.
