Splendor Monitors

Digital Reason

New member
Hey all, whats up????
I was doing some work at a local studio a couple of weeks ago (MIXING SESSIONS) in the room that we were using they had a set of Ns10's (of course) and the usual genelec 1031A's, when we had asked the assistiant engineer what other monitors there were to use we found a set of "Splendor" monitors burried in the back.
there was no spec info on the back of the speakers, there was no model number just a set of cones and tweeters in a grey box. BUT THEY SOUNDED AWSOME, some of the best monitors that I have ever mixed on they were more true than the Ns 10's (Which I am not a big fan of to begin with) and the Genelec's. Can anyone give me any information on Splendor monitors????? Or has anyone used them or better yet does anyone own a pair personally?????? Ever since I have used them I still have no information for these monitors. ANY INFO WOULD BE GREAT.

Thanx A million.............