Speaker hummin... hmmmm...


New member
Hello again! I keep getting this high pitch squeal from my computer speakers when I turn it up to a listening level, anyone know how to get rid of it? I have Klipsch 2.0 speakers and am using integrated Realtek '97 drivers. For the time being I'm using it to monitor my recordings, so it's irritating. Thanks again!
you're using a stock soundcard with your computer? Then my guess is it's the soundcard you're using

you might wanna look at getting an upgrade
Yea it's integrated into the mother board and it never used to do it until I switched back to XP. Guess I'll just deal with it until I get my monitors. Any other suggestions?
Positive, no feedback. I've shut everything off except the comp and speakers and it still does it. One thing I haven't tried is turning the computer off too. That might narrow it down to the integrated sound.
I think it is from the internal sound card. They generally generate about a 1 kHz tone with some minimal white noise. It is because they are not shielded correctly from the rest of the electronics inside the computer. If you listen closely, you can actaully hear the sound modulate/intensify when you are doing something that causes the disc to spin or the processor to be more active.