Spanish guitar Micing Question

Rafik Kamel

New member
Hello Everyone,

I am a new member here, so i say hi to everyone. I own an antonio lorca student spanish guitar that sounds good (i have had it for 12 years). I got the n-track software on my pc and want to start recording tracks from the guitar to it. I wonder what is a good guitar mic (pickup or transducer) that would be good for that purpose? i saw a lot of transducers on ebay, but i heard mixed opinions about them.

So i would love to hear ur suggestions for that.

Thank a lot everyone.
IMO, a pickup or internally mounted mic is far less than ideal for recording guitar. If you think about it, you don't listen to these instruments with your head crammed inside the soundhole. You listen to them in a room, where you are getting the sound reverberating from the strings/soundboard as well as from the room itself. So, getting a decent condenser mic and putting it out in the room will get you a much more natural sound (assuming the room you record in sounds decent). On the cheap, check out the mics and preamps at Naiant Studio.
thanks scrubs for your reply, i am very nice to this. I use n-track studio on my pc (just a novice). i was thinking of getting the akg perception 170 mic, it should be good for recording. But i think it needs some amplification before i plug it into the pc to get some power, right?
thanks scrubs for your reply, i am very nice to this. I use n-track studio on my pc (just a novice). i was thinking of getting the akg perception 170 mic, it should be good for recording. But i think it needs some amplification before i plug it into the pc to get some power, right?

that is a condenser mic so you will need phantom power for it. A small mixer would work.