SP B1 Exercise


New member
Following the recommendations found here, I just received my Studio Projects B1 condenser mic, and since my little recorder doesn't provide phantom power, I also got the ART V3. Anyway, I did some dry tracks of just me and acoustic guitar. For the first, the mic was aimed at roughly the 12th fret, and panned slightly left. The second was aimed at the body/soundhole, and panned slightly right. The vocal parts (yes I'm aware of my limitations) are single tracks only. Let me know what you think about levels, balance, EQ, and all that technical stuff. Entire chain for all, was B1 through ART V3, into Zoom MRS8 for tracking and mastering. Then transferred to PC and a bit of reverb added and mp3 conversion. Oh, it's an old gospel hymn, so for those offended by this genre...I apologize.


Thanks. :)
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not my kind of music, but the guitars sound great to me. the voice(s) sound a little heavy with reverb, but that's probably just my tastes. I really like the B1 on guitar. I've got one myself and use it on guitar all the time...nice and bright.