SOundproofing Booth


New member
In my flat i have a cupboard that is perfect for a vocals booth. I just need to find a way to sound proof it. IS there less expensive way without buying the proper soundproofing material to sound proof the booth??
can you give us a picture?

your obviously not from america, because i dont know what the hell you would be doing recording in an "american cupboard" i would imagine bass frequencies would be a rather large problem in a foot by foot room.
Yes it would be better to record in an open room because in some smaller rooms you get some echo you wouldn't notice it until you listen on playback (can say that from experience) and if you soundproof the room you are talking about then you will have to learn a lot about e.q because when you soundproof it dries out the sound some so you will have to eq to get the hi's and lo's back in it
A booth doesn't need to be soundproofed. That would mean no sound gets in or out.

But if it's say 4-feet square, it could benefit from sound treatment. You don't want it totally dead, you just want to control the flutter echo and make the space "neutral."

There's a couple guys that hang out over at this site that could help you out with probably some pretty specific info.

You also might try posting this in the Studio Building Forum on this site. There's a lot of knowledgeable guys hanging out in there, and a couple have recently build small vocal booths.

Do a search in the Studio forum for "frederic". He posted pics of the construction of his booth and some pretty detailed info.