Soundcraft Spirit LX7 24 vs A& H GL2200 24


New member
Sound Pros,

Any opinions on what to do here?

i want to buy my first board for my 6-piece band's use and learn it inside and out.

A 16 channel board will be pretty much filled up right out of the gate, and I would like to have some future expandability.

Been looking at Soundcraft Spirit LX7 24 channel board vs the Allen & Heath GL2200 24 channel board. Anyone familiar with both these boards? Opinions, suggestions greatly appreciated!
typi said:
Sound Pros,

Any opinions on what to do here?

i want to buy my first board for my 6-piece band's use and learn it inside and out.

A 16 channel board will be pretty much filled up right out of the gate, and I would like to have some future expandability.

Been looking at Soundcraft Spirit LX7 24 channel board vs the Allen & Heath GL2200 24 channel board. Anyone familiar with both these boards? Opinions, suggestions greatly appreciated!

I have the A&H GL2200 32 track board. It is fantastic with great EQ's, great pre-amps (they sound just like DMP3 pre-amps), excelent summing busses and are very quiet. I got the 32 trqack version for the same price as the 24 track version. This was last november. Maybe the 24 track version is cheaper now, but don't spend any more than $2499.00 as that is what the 32 track version cost me (no tax).

Good Luck. This is a great board and is a big step up from the Mackie 24/8 buss I used to have.
I've used the Soundcraft live and liked it a lot, but for this money you should go have a listen!

Erm, cosmetically though, I'm always amazed how SC can make their consoles look like cheap kiddy's toys. Maybe they could sleeken their colour scheme?
I love the EQ on my A&H Saber. Easy to make things sound great, not so easy to make things sound bad.
Thanks for the responses folks-----I will be having an in-depth listen to both within the next week or two. Seems I can't go too wrong with either.

Thanks again!