Soundcraft Mixer Help


New member
I just received my brand new Soundcraft M Series mixer. One of my main reasons for purchasing it was that it has 4 Aux sends and a Digital output.

I was ready to hook up my 4 effect boxes to the the 4 Aux sends when I noticed that the Aux Send Jacks are 1/4" balanced outputs and the Aux Returns are Unbalanced RCA phono connectors!

What do I do now? All of my effect boxes have 1/4" Outputs not RCA outputs.

Do I purchase 1/4" to RCA cables that are both unbalanced on the inputs and outputs?

Will going from 1/4" jacks to RCA degrade my sound in any way?
Thanks for your help.
Two things... are you sure that the sends are balanced outputs? TRS connectors don't necessarily mean the circuit is balanced.

If it is balanced, and the output of your effects device is balanced, connect tip of the 1/4" TRS to the tip of the RCA, then tie the wire from the Sleeve of the 1/4" TRS and the Ring of the 1/4" TRS together at the RCA end and connect them to the sleeve of the RCA connector.

Should work like a charm.

If you're not in a high RF environment, and if you're not trying to run the signal too far it won't make a whole hell of a lot of difference... besides, they're effects returns... by design they're not going to be as "HiFi" as regular inputs.

Best of luck with it.
Thanks for your reply. Let me quote from the manual regarding the Aux Sends:
" These outputs are on 3-pole 'A' gauge jacks and are balanced outputs".

Regarding the Returns, this what is says:
"These inputs are unbalanced on RCA phono connectors, and are intended for use with CD players, DAT machines or Hi-Fi equipment. Alternatively they may be used as simple effects returns or stereo instrument inputs".

I think this is really dumb of Soundcraft to have the Aux Returns as RCA plugs.
I don't know how I missed that when I was reading the specs.

I will probably have to purchase the conversion cables, 1/4" to RCA. I think I will need about 5 feet. Will that be O.K.?