Soundcraft m-12 p/b input question


New member
Trying to record instruments into the mono channels and listen back to the computers backing track
My problem is that i dont want the soundcard outputs (only 2) going into the p/b inputs to re-route thru the main mix outputs (via spdif) and be recorded with them
Maybe its me misunderstanding the function of the p/b input but im guessing its not normal for it to appear at the mix outputs unless you press the "p/b replaces mix button" (which i havent) - i have a folio notepad with a 2-track return phono input and it doesnt behave this way. Am i missing something? is my mixer faulty or has it been "modded" to work this way? ( i bought it 2nd hand).
leafing thru the manual suggests that the p/b input works by only coming thru the monitor outs, and headphones + metering , which seems logical- so why is my click/backing track showing up on my recordings?? (BTW im not using any mics so it wouldnt pick up anything from the monitors)
I know about the direct outs, but i need a MIX of the inputs, the reason why i bought a 12 input+ desk!!.
My current workaround is to pan everything left and only connect the right p/b input but obviously this is a stupid compromise to have to make;(
BTW the spdif output is set to MIX on the dip switch not AUX 1-2- i havent tried the analogue XLR Mix outs but i assume they function identically...or do they?
Anyone having the same problem?
The Docta :confused: