Soundclick Ratings


New member
Do they mean anything. One of the two songs I submited moved up near the top after only two days and I guess the other flopped. Do they start at the bottom, Paul.
There was a discussion about this on one of the soundclick forums recently. You can get daily stats on the hits to your page, and the individual songs, plus you can check out how they're doing in the charts.

The way I understand it, only your most popular song will appear in the charts, so even if you have 3, 4 or 5 songs that are gettting lots of play, only the top song will show in the charts. They do this so that a few bands don't dominate the charts; everyone gets one good shot. I had a song in the charts and deleted it to post a new version, and one of my other songs showed up in the charts.

The charts are fun to keep track of, nice to se how many folks are listening.
I've tried to find the amount of plays and such but can't seem to get there. It gives me the chart position and thats all. Paul.
you have to dig for it.
Click 'My Soundclick'.
Click 'Band Administration'
Click Your Name
Scroll down to the bottom and Click 'Stats'
Our song went to #24 in a day. I think it is judged on how may plays you get a day. Send your link out to eneryone you know and post it on a few mixing sites and watch it climb the charts! Does it mean anything, probably not. It would look good in a press kit to say that your first single hit the top ten. That's how I am going to use it