soundcard inputs.


New member
Okay everbody, I promise this will be my last soundcard question...

I've decided to buy the Audiophile 2496 instead of the Delta 44 because then I'll have access to midi if I ever need it. But before I buy, I just wanted to check something out with you guys:

I'll only be recording 2 things at once (a couple of microphones) through my Behringer UB 1002 mixer So will the Audiophile's two inputs be enough? Do the two mics just run through the Behringer and then one output from the Behringer goes into the soundcard?

Would I be likely to need 4 inputs in the future for something other than recording lots of instruments at once?

If I bought the Delta 44, could I just get some kind of converter later on so that I could hook midi instruments up to it?

Go with the delta if you think you'll need four inputs in the future. Many people have sucess using a soundblaster for MIDI in conjunction with a delta 44 for audio.
With regard to the last post, this is exactly what I do. I love the Delta 44, and I just use the SoundBlaster for my MIDI and just convert the MIDI to wav files when I am ready to mix. The problem here is that you won't be able to hear the MIDI files in your playback until you convert them to sound files (unless you are using your Soundblaster for all of your playback).


That shouldn't have to be the case. You should be able to just use your soundblaster for INCOMING MIDI messages. These messages can trigger your instruments which can (and should be by default) be played via your Delta. That is, unless you're using the soundblaster's built in synth...which is kind of old school :)

Slackmaster 2000
Okay, thanks guys but there's something else that I don't understand that I've posted elsewhere here but no reply:

Assuming I got the Delta 44, can I tap in the drums on my computer keyboard using Cubase or do I have to have a midi device to do this. Because if I had to use a midi device on the Soundblaster to program the drums then I wouldn't be able to hear them in order to keep time with other instruments on top would I?

Sorry Slackmaster, I replied before I got your message, thanks for that info. Thanks everybody else too.
