sound quuaaaaaaaaaaaality


New member
hey wuts up guys? Quick question, I'm looking at a self contained DAWs and wondering which has better sound quality... The new BOSS BR1180, or the Tascam Portastudio 788? The BR1180 has more features on it including a rhythm track, and a mastering kit, but what about the overrall sound quality of it? Soooo what would it be the Tascam, or the BOSS?

Yo Music of Darkness:

The Yamaha 2816 or the 4416, if you want to spend a few more pezzutos, will give you very good sound for the moola.

I use the 2816 and it rocks. [Now that I finally learned how to navigatet the system.]

For the $$, 2816 is a good buy and it will give you good sound.

Don't believe me? Go out and audition the unit.

Green Hornet:D :p :p :cool: :cool:
I have the AKAI DPS12i and it is a wonderful machine! It is easy to use, it sounds great, and I got it with effects for $600 of ebay with a 20 gig harddrive. I borrowed a 4416 from my local music store and it sounded good but it was harder to use and a lot more money. If you have the money I have heard great things about AKAI's dps16.

Just something to check out.
