Sound Quality On Vcr Dropped Out...


New member
:confused: :confused: :confused:

I was recording some beats on my hifi vcr, and now it seems as if the sound quality just dropped right out! I can still hear something but it is very very low, is it because of the vcr or would it have a lot to do with the video cassette or should I be using an
dat cassette for this process.

Hook a brother up with some knowledge Please!!!

Thank you very much to all those who reply,

Depending on the type of VCR you are using and the amount of hours you may have recorded and played video-tapes,the audio heads may have suffered from sound-loss deterioration due to dirt and other substances on the heads.
Try either taking the machine to a repair shop to have the heads cleaned (prob $25) or use a head cleaning tape.

Have you considered using some sort of multi-track recorder to record your music!!??
What kind of equipment are you using now!!??