Sound quality - 4 track vs. 8 track cassette


New member
Just wonderin' if there's a major difference in sound quality between the two since the 8 tracks are covering less tape space. I've read various articles, although no one has come right out and said it, it was implied that such was the case. Thanks in advance! Trag.

If you compare the specs side by side between a 4 and 8 track cassette,the numbers don't lie.You'll get slightly better hi frequency response and less crosstalk with a 4 track because as you indicated,there's more tape surface available for each track on a 4.BUT,you've only got 4 tracks to record on!!! There is one unit that's no longer in production that rivals and even surpasses most 4 track cassettes,it's called the Tascam 238.It's a rack mount unit that sold when new for like $1300.There are some posts on this site's archives about it if you're interested,you can do a search.Cheers!
Also look at the Tascam 688, it's a Portastudio 8 track, which I hear uses the same tape transport as the 238...I am in the process of purchasing one myself.