Sound proofing a window


New member
So there is a window rite over were my mixing station will be. Our new neighbors are not extremley loud, but they have a few little kids who tend to play out side alot. So i was thinking i would get to peices of plywood. Put the first on flat on the window, and than cram as much couch/bed filling in there as a posibly could, than put the next peice of plywood on and secure it.

My question is.... what type of filling should i use between the boards. Or what aproach should i take to sund proof this window.(i posted a picture of it just becouse it happend to be on my computer already)


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My Idea.

Hey, I would guess Roxul ( has something, I know they have sound proofing insulation.

But they key would be as air tight as possible and mass But I would assume in your case mass isn't an option so I would probably use some sort of insulation between the window followed by a gap then more insulation.
Hey, I would guess Roxul ( has something, I know they have sound proofing insulation.

But they key would be as air tight as possible and mass But I would assume in your case mass isn't an option so I would probably use some sort of insulation between the window followed by a gap then more insulation.
If mass isn't an option, the sound"proofing" isn't an option. Insulation doesn't sound"proof".