sound module/rack synth question


New member

I have a triton classic with studio essentials, akai dps16, roland spd 20; basically a very modest home studio setup.

I do soundtracks for my choir in varied styles. I also do soundtracks for singers. I've also done some scoring for some video (documentary/presentation/lecture kind of stuff). all in all I do a lot of different styles.

I am looking to augment the sound pallete (spelling?). right now I am interested in
acoustic sounds since 1) my arranging leans heavily towards "augmented" 18 piece jazz ensemble (+ strings and other orch instruments); I also do a lot of pure orchestral and 2) I haven't found myself lacking in electronic sounds with the triton.

Options I've considered are:
orchestral expansion for the triton
SCSI card for the triton and then get sample libraries
sound modules: xv 5050, emu, Kurz 2600, etc.

Any of you cats got a word on this? My reluctance about the orch. expansion is that it is majorly inconvenient to have to constantly change out boards on the triton classic and the orch. will use up the two available slots and the studio essentials is real, well, essential for a lot of what I do. The SCSI thing involves a certain amount of expense as well(SCSI card not that expensive, but the libraries certainly are) and then the sounds have to be loaded each time and if not stored, loaded again. Not impossible to deal with, but since I'm often working on more than one thing at a time...
Also I don't know that the orchestral card also includes "jazz" brass, ww, or articulations.

The Kurz looks real good (especially with optional I/O to take advantage of the effects area) but it's pricey...

Enough of what I think I know, what opinions have y'all got.

If you know of a previous thread that speaks to this, I'd appreciate the "point".

The usual (and perrenial) "best mix of price versus performance" considerations apply

Thanks in advance


I'd say get the Kurzweil if you're looking for true orchestral type sounds...
They've been the leader hands down for years...

Like you said in your own post, I wouldn't mess with the expansion stuff because of the constraint on your system and technical setup...

I know it's more expensive, But, I've found the extra investment is worth the hassle down the road...
I agee. And if you have the $$$, the kurz is awesome. You may even consider a loaded k2500s. I know it's not quite as cool as the 2600 but they can be found for dirt cheap on ebay. I have a 2500s, and it's not even maxed out and it fills all my workstation needs. And it can't be beat when it comes to the type of instruments your looking for.
I agree...


There's so much gear that I used to lust after years ago that still does wonders that can be had for so cheap now!!!

Good Luck...