sorry if this is stupid

Blink 182

New member
i read you can convert audio signals to a midi file in sonar. is this possible? if so, how? i have version 4, if that helps.
I don't think so.

You can convert midi to audio via the supplied DXi's, but I'm not aware of anything that goes the other way.
You can convert audio to midi in a way, yes. With drum tracks.
Say for instance that you have a kick track you don't like the sound of... start by bringing the track view up, and move the kick track to the very top row, you'll understand why later on. Highlight the track and go to process > audio > extract timing Mess with the parameters until you get an X on every initial kick transient and not in places where something bled through or on the 2nd part of the kick transient. Save it when its right, and open a midi track. Paste your new midi file in the new midi track, and set up whatever you use for drum triggering (dr-008, Battery, whatever) and pow. Perfect. It works quite well, and its great for replacing a crap kit with crappy old heads on it. This feature combined with DR-008 and Drumkit From Hell is fast, easy, mostly flawless, works great and when properly used, invisible. I use it all the time to replace kicks and to add a little snap to the snare track. If you dont overdo it, the results can be incredible.
I have a song up that I used this exact same method on if you want to hear it.
i would very much like to hear that.

i've done as you said but i've never worked with midi in sonar before, and im not getting any playback from my midi track. am i supposed to have set something up before? i don't have any drum sample software just yet, im just testing if i can get a signal out of my midi track.
You have to set up a new audio track, and insert a DX Synth as an effect. You should have DR-008 as an option. Then get a decent sample of a kick or snare that you like, and drag it onto whichever pad is "blinking" in time from the midi input.

And don't forget to change the output of your midi track from "midi out" to DR-008, or whatever you use.
Ummm, try and listen to Blackencide. Actually, either song, both have kicks and snare triggered via the original hit as explained above. You can even hear a false kick during the intro to Blackencide where I needed to readjust the read on it (which I did later on)
You can convert midi to audio via the supplied DXi's...

I feel compelled to point out that one cannot convert MIDI to audio via any means -- one can route the MIDI through DXis and record the audio they play in response to the MIDI messages, or ditto through a MIDI cable to external MIDI synths. The word "convert" implies that audio data is inherent in the MIDI messages, which we all know is not the case, but we also know is a common confusion for people when they first learn about MIDI.

So you can render the MIDI messages to audio, or record the output of a MIDI device responding to MIDI messages, or maybe translate the MIDI data to audi, but "convert" is a poor choice of word.