sorry, here´s the right one: low freq. panel absorber questions ... john? :-)


New member
hi there!

since the building of my studio has been delayed and i need to at least mix some stuff i moved the main part of my gear into a rather small room in our house. it´s 3,35 metres deep, 2,40 metres wide (at least on one end - on the other it´s just 2 metres!) and also 2,40 metres high. after setting up table, mixer, some shelfs (for cd´s & stuff), computers, monitors (19" vga) and monitors (20/20bas) ;-) i ended up with a problem you all can re-calculate: a standing wave at appr. 49,25 Hz (and its harmonic buddies at 98,5, 147,75 and so on)!

i really need to get rid of this better sooner than later (mixing impossible) so i tried to find out how - the only real option taking rom size into account seems to be some kind of panel absorber. i understand the principle, but i think i don´t understand it completely - maybe someone (john?) can answer my (dumb) questions?

1) the formula (f=60/√md) doesn´t mention the size of the panel - doesn´t it matter that much? just like the size of a microphone´s diaphragm for "catching" low frequencies? do i get it? or has the panel to be for instance 83,75 cm long (1/8 of a wavelength at 49,25 Hz)?

2) could someone please explain the formula step by step with real world figures like my 49,25 Hz?

3) where exactly would the absorber have to be placed? is it always the back wall? would it have to be centered on a wall? are there any guidelines? in my case the peak of the standing wave is quite near the back wall which also isn´t that far from the listening position.

4) would it also be possible to place an absorber on the other side of the back wall - in the adjacent room?

5) am i right in thinking that targeting a fundamental frequency with a panel absorber also affects (attenuates) the respective harmonics automatically?

6) should placing absorbent stuff inside the panel be effected on the wall (back side) or directly on the panel (inner front side) - i saw both versions in schematics on the net. are there any differences?

sorry if i´m getting annoying (and/or being hopelessly dumb), but i want to get this straight inside my head - until now i´m merely accumulating brain cramps because of this topic! ;-)

thank you for any help! i appreciate it! really!



> 1) the formula ... doesn´t mention the size of the panel <

See "Build a better bass trap" listed on my Articles page:

If you need to get down to 47 Hz, make the boxes 1/2 inch deeper than shown

> 3) where exactly would the absorber have to be placed? is it always the back wall? <

It's not "the" absorber, it's several of them. One panel will make very little improvement. You'll put at least 4-12 of them on the walls around the room, depending on the room size.

> 5) am i right in thinking that targeting a fundamental frequency with a panel absorber also affects (attenuates) the respective harmonics automatically? <

Panel absorbers like the one I show are broadband, so they absorb over several octaves.
