Sonic Foundry Siren


Anybody try this .mp3 player? It's actually much more with multiple format playback and ripping and burning capability that would make General Sherman proud. And the digital "light organ" was interesting. For those of you too young to know what a light organ is: it's a light show device (Radio Shack sold one) that uses an audio signal to modify the colors and intensities of lights in the device. So it sort of dances to the sound of the music. It streams .mp3 files from a CDR! In standard format (128 Kbps stereo) this density means 11.5 hours of music on one CDR. It only burns audio files to .cda format as far as I can tell.
So I've heard. But it also claims to write to audio CDR directly from any combination of mp3, wma or wav files. I just like its uncluttered interface. It just plays evrything in a folder by default. No separate steps of populating a "music library" which is nothing more than an artificial collection of associations with files on the HD or CD.