Songs by an O.A.P. Please listen!


New member
I needed to find a hobby. I run (but that doesn't happen every day) and walk briskly (less interesting). I once wrote songs and had a few published and recorded. Twenty or so years on, at the age of 67, I thought I'd try again. I had my old Tascam Porta Studio One. The tape rewind and punch in/out controls had stopped working but I did what I could and discovered that the internet could help put things together, too. I worked out how to put a song onto YouTube, in an amateurish way, but it worked. My YouTube 'channel' is fulbourn27. What software might improve the songs there? The voice is what it is and the songs are what they are. But perhaps they could be enhanced?
Post 10 posts, then you can post the actual link. People are too lazy to cut and paste links into their browser. Put the link in the MP3 mixing clinic for comments. You're in the wrong section of this BBS.