Song Recorded on MR-8

I have never heard the original. But I really like what you have done here. I can hear everything clearly. You must have worked hard on this one. Did you bounce tracks or use PC software?Sounds like an album quality to me.


PS> I really dig the mandolin solo!
HOW COOL!!!!!!!! I really needed to hear that this morning, you did a killer job. And it's Hank SENIOR!!!! very well done.
Thank you.
I know I made the right decision to order the MR-8 now!! This sounded great!! I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but if we could put my voice together with your ability to play instruments we could go places. (I'm not saying your voice is bad, it's just that I don't play instruments and have spent all my life developing my voice). Awesome recording!! What is your exact set-up?
Again, it's amazing the variety of influences everyone is bringing to the table. Now if a drummer would show up, we'd have quite a band!
Thank You

Thank you for all the nice comments. It's good to be in a supportive group like we have here in the Fostex forum. The "big boys" over at the Mixing Clinic is not even looking my way. I guess silence says something.

Being my own worse critic, after listening to the song again this morning, I realize that the vocals sound very lethargic. With the song also being in 3/4, it can easily put one to sleep!

With respect to setup, it's very simple-- it's all Fostex MR-8! There's no external mixing, no eq'ing, no computer software. It's simply a cheap microphone plugged directly into the Fostex with the mic line turned to max (I think I should get a better mic) and my Yahama keyboard in the other plug.

I only used four instruments, so no bouncing was done. Well, except for bouncing to tracks 7/8 for conversion. I find that the quality is not as good once you bounce the tracks and then overdub. Is it me?

Anyway, thanks for the comments. I look forward to hearing some of your recordings as well.

I have never done so little with my recordings as fars as EQ etc since i got the MR-8, and I think we all agree that the end results are really surprising us:)

Re: Thank You

Knopfler Fan said:
I find that the quality is not as good once you bounce the tracks and then overdub. Is it me?

It's more a case of mixing the first several tracks 'out of context' - once you start dubbing, you end up realizing that the bounced mix should have been different, etc. This is where computer integration is great, though, since unlimited tracks can be pulled off the MR-8 and mixed all at once.

You have a nice effect with the panning on your piano - from your other comments it sounds like it was recorded as two parts panned left/right, but it comes across like a piano recorded in stereo with one mic catching the right hand and the other the left. Very cool.
I'm not a big fan of country, but the music sounds well done! I have to agree about the mandolin as the solo sounds very nice. I have one that I did as a tinkering job and would like to point out that I didn't work on the guitar part to hard (it was 1:30am) and I just wanted to see how the MR-8 sounded.

Going to try more when I'm half awake. ;)

The equipment used was: CWPA9 with various SoundFonts and an Ibanez RG270DX direct.
FatBoy_Krawl said:
I'm not a big fan of country,

See, that's what is so amazing about what wer'e doing here, we all come from vastly different backgrounds, and vastly different interests, but it all works, we are not tied down to an "image" so to speak of what the company says we should be doing with this machine, we all are able to come up with our own image, and it works great. And the big thing is, we are all having fun, because this machine works for us, it allows us to persue our visions, and not be tethered to an image, it's the final sound we're looking for, nothing else. The MR 8, imho, makes this possible, where a lot of other machines don't, by being very straight forward, and very user friendly. And look at that price, even Petes alternatives end up costing quite a bit more.
Oh well, enough of preaching to the converted....
dyuob said:
See, that's what is so amazing about what wer'e doing here, we all come from vastly different backgrounds, and vastly different interests, but it all works, we are not tied down to an "image" so to speak...

We're a 21st century version of the Grateful Dead!
mrx said:
We're a 21st century version of the Grateful Dead!

Oh man, you hit it right on the head!!!!
I was watching, and listening to the Dead's View from the Vault III when I was writing that. There has to be some kind of energy flowing through this group, this is just too weird.
Of course, I also believe that we are not "here" by accident, that we have been led along this path, so to speak.
I am practicing drums and trying to learn them. (roland TD-6 V-club kit). I have even recorded songs with it but I will notpost them yet:) Not unitl I can keep a steady tempo!

this is great - Great music coming from all directions colliding in cyberspace ! The mr-8 is like magic to make it happen.
Re: Thank You

Knopfler Fan said:
Thank you for all the nice comments. It's good to be in a supportive group like we have here in the Fostex forum. The "big boys" over at the Mixing Clinic is not even looking my way. I guess silence says something.

Being my own worse critic, after listening to the song again this morning, I realize that the vocals sound very lethargic. With the song also being in 3/4, it can easily put one to sleep!

With respect to setup, it's very simple-- it's all Fostex MR-8! There's no external mixing, no eq'ing, no computer software. It's simply a cheap microphone plugged directly into the Fostex with the mic line turned to max (I think I should get a better mic) and my Yahama keyboard in the other plug.

I only used four instruments, so no bouncing was done. Well, except for bouncing to tracks 7/8 for conversion. I find that the quality is not as good once you bounce the tracks and then overdub. Is it me?

Anyway, thanks for the comments. I look forward to hearing some of your recordings as well.


Man, all you used is the MR-8. Wow! The guy my group payed over $2000 to last year for our recording might have lost some business. If you can do that with the MR-8 alone, just think what I will be able to do with MR-8, preamps, and PC.
And as far as your vocals are concerned I think that song is supposed to be lethargic. I think the mood that the song is meant to provoke definitely came across in your recording. Don't pay any attention to me about the vocals. I am from Georgia. I'm not used to hearing someone without a southern drawl singing Hank Sr.

What do you monitor with?
Hey Gospel,

I'm using an old JVC stereo system (my parents bought it in the early 80's!) to monitor. So, it's nothing fancy, but it does its job....for now. I think that once my ears become more mature, I'll probably find that my whole setup needs to be revamped. But until that time and until I've saved up enough money, the JVC will do.
