Song inspired by Crazy Heart


New member
Hi all,
I saw Crazy Heart starring Jeff Bridges a couple of weeks ago. I found the movie so inspiring that within about 10 minutes of the end of the film I had the bones of a song down. After a some time refining it I've come up with this:

It's a rough demo recorded and mixed in about an hour. It's the kind of thing I normally write but I really like it, even though it's pretty melancholy. What do you think?
I like the composition and structure of the song, overall. Nice use of the harmonica and good acoustic guitar playing.

It's interesting that you mentioned drawing inspiration from watching a movie. I often receive spontaneous inspiration for a new song by watching an emotional scene that involves an attractive woman in a movie. I don't sit down and think, "Let me watch a movie to draw inspiration for a new song." It just happens.

IcyStorm, yeah it's never happened to me before. I just found myself imagining what kind of emotional rollercoaster the character of Bad Blaine's life must of been. I tried to imagine the regrets he had in his life and just started writing. It was a weird songwriting experience, I've never written a song like that before.