Song for Walter- Writing Topic


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm posting the tune I wrote for the writing topic thread
for your critique
Production is quick and dirty.

A song for Walter

The eagle took to the air screaming
While all cowered to clear her path
She flew to the Afghan Mountains
And there she unleashed her wrath

She said if you're not with me
Then you're against me
In this let there be no doubt
All you better heed my warning
For justice will prevail she did shout


Boy, what were you thinking
Couldn't you separate church and state
Innocents killed in the name of religion
Now the court will sit
In judgement on your fate
Now the court will sit
In judgement on your fate

Some are gonna call you a sinner
Some may even call you a saint
You may call yourself a freedom fighter
But accomplis to mass murder
Will read the complaint

Chorus and fini.

Hope you like it.