sonar and this edirol thing


New member
i am currently using sonar xl and a shitty sound card.

my friend uses an edirol usb audio converter ediro ua-5, but he uses cubase vst to record.

im use to sonar and i dont want to switch(the learning curve all over again), but i plan on using his usb converter(edirol ua-5).

how well do these work together? i.e. sonar, and a usb device.

how about soundforge and a usb device?

do any of you use usb, like the quattro by midiman?

give me some ins and outs, dos and donts with your software experiences.

I am interested in USB soundcards as I'm intending using a lap top for mobile recording. But I've been put off by comments regarding lack of bandwidth for 24bit recording on USB. The only answer would seem to be Firewire soundcards.

So I will be looking with added interest to posts here on this subject.

Just one question though Mr Platignum cool man, why don't you look at a "normal" soundcard and not USB? Like a Delta 2496? USB is not the best interface for soundcards.
my main reason for usb, is because ive had tons of success using my other usb stuff, but ive heard usb is not good with audio. secondly, i do plan on using a friends, his seems to workwell though. if possible i did not want to spend the dough on a soundcard, plus i like sonar, so i was wondering if i would encounter problems, ive not yet hooked everything up.

i and my 2 friends do plan on purchasing a new machine, pentium 3, dual processor, a million gigs, etc. (self built) but i was wondering if i could save money on a sound card and spend more on other goodies, since im on a fixed budget and we have access to usb. plus i have my own computer i wanted to use it on.

the usb interests me too because i do not have to install any hardware, i can use it on multiple computers(basically to swap it between friends)

plus i like the ins and outs on the usb box.
if you are interested in USB, and you have a laptop see if your laptop has firewire-1394 access.

if it does, then get MOTU 828 or MOTU 896 and stay away from any USB except maybe the Tascam US-428.

the US-428 is the only USB box that I have not heard horrible things about. I own a Wavecenter/Tango sound card that is made by the same company that makes the US-428 (Frontier Design) and they make solid products.

I bought the M-Audio DUO and I am NOT HAPPY with the dropouts. The mic-pre is almost as good as the one on my mackie1604 vlz pro, but the USB is subpar so far. It might just be the driver, but regardless... broken is broken.
From a technical point of view, USB is very limiting. Its bandwidth is too narrow for multi input, 24 bit recording. Firewire is the best way forward.

Platignum cool wrote:

i was wondering if i could save money on a sound card

Your soundcard is arguably THE most important point of your system. So you should look to get the very best that you can afford here. IMHO.
thanks man, i will look into that. i think i completely changed my mind about usb stuff after doing a little research, although i do only plan on doing one track at a time. i produce everything on my keyboard, recording each track at a time(stereo, so two tracks), then lay vocals over it. i can mix most of my stuff with my keyboard, pan, velocity, etc.

what mixer do you like or use?

well, thanks for the help.
Check out the delta 2496 from midiman.

It has a virtual software mixer, the same thats in the whole Delta family of products.

Also, search this site for posts with this card. You will see many members use the Delta range cos of their quality and price.

I am buying a soundcraft 12 channel mixer with an spdif interface. This is so I can record drums using 5 mics, 3 vocalists and then various instruments, guitars sax etc. A mixer console should not be top of you shopping list yet. A great soundcard, the best mic for vocals and a decent set of monitor speakers is key.

Best of luck!
With the usb 2 protocol coming I think prices could be plunging on these devices soon you might want to wait if you are set on usb.
The main(only?)advantage in my book to usb is the easy install.
But I'm a computer moron.
Hey Acidrock, I was reading about the new USB 2.0 this afternoon (well it was either read my magazine or speak to the family - no contest:) - but you know all about that don't you;) )

Anyhow, this "muddah" is 40 times faster than the 1.0 version - thats over 480megabits per sec! LaCie have a 5 port card for your puter at under $50 US. Amazing. All it needs now is for the soundcard guys to catch up.:)

Oh and BTW, you are not a putermoron. And thats official.:cool:
yeah, the usb2 specification looks pretty good. with people gradually migrating to 96khz, there was no way that USB was going to be able to do audio with version 1.

in 2, 3 years usb2 will enable some serious portability, but for now, I think i'm going to sell my m-audio duo and get the Vxpocket pcmcia card or the MOTU firewire for my laptop.