Sonar 5 is up and running

Book your vacation now. I have been spending every free moment on this upgrade. Lot's of stuff in there. Glad to hear it's winging it's way to your door.
Vacation is booked - no problems...

Actually, there is one - the reason the vacation is booked is because we are expecting the birth of our first child on the 10th...

I was doubting the parentage of the little bastard, (not), but when it refused to turn around and put it's head down, I knew it had to be related to me... So - if it doesn't turn, we are booked in for a C-section on the 10th - so yep - no worries about the holidays... It will just be mixing with baby poo on my fingers in between dirty nappies!

:) Q.

P.S. If anyone gets a PM from me after the 10th, don't get your nose too close...
Qwerty said:
Vacation is booked - no problems...

Actually, there is one - the reason the vacation is booked is because we are expecting the birth of our first child on the 10th...

I was doubting the parentage of the little bastard, (not), but when it refused to turn around and put it's head down, I knew it had to be related to me... So - if it doesn't turn, we are booked in for a C-section on the 10th - so yep - no worries about the holidays... It will just be mixing with baby poo on my fingers in between dirty nappies!

:) Q.

P.S. If anyone gets a PM from me after the 10th, don't get your nose too close...
Congrats Q. Best of luck. It is a wonderful experience, and in another 25-30 years, your life will be your own again (except for the continued drain on your checkbook). :)
Baby News

My daughter (the first) was born last December. Not as much time for mucking around on the computer now!

It's an incredible ride. Breastfeeding is best. May the force be with you.
Dammit, just checked out the FedEx tracking and found out that Sonar 5 is sitting on my front doorstep waiting for me to return from work.......this day is going to be a real bitch to get thru...... :D