Sonar 5 is here!

Just ordered it. It has:
Autotune/Harmonizer feature
Convolution Reverb
64 bit Engine

And lots of other stuff...

I am ready for 64 bit because, that's the future.
man, this is what i mean.........they still have'nt fixed alot of bugs in sonar 4 and now they're lookin to make money on a new version. greedy bastards.

anyone ever try to use midi key bindings in sonar 4?
Cakewalk has always had a 1 Year per version with Sonar. I personally couldn't justify purchasing Sonar 4 after I upgraded to 3. I started off with 2 and didn't realise the per year new version they had (especially with the price to upgrade here in Australia).

I noticed that at the end of the month Cakewalk will now be allowing purchases off the main site to Australian customers finally!

I spoke to my wife after I got the e-mail from them this morning announcing it and told her that I wanted to get it, her response was, didn't you just get the new version.. I told her that was 2 years ago. So after She has bought her new sewing machine it's pretty much justified. Downside is I might need to upgrade my home computer.. P4 1.8Ghz, minimum requirements is 1.3Ghz.. I love the recommeded HDD space ... Multiple GB's.

Still not sure...

I'm on S3 studio still.
I've got autotune(which I never use :( ),a UAD-1,and Kompakt.
I only use it for myself and my projects are very simple.
The convolution reverb is the only thing that interests me,and for what the upgrade costs,I could probably get a better software verb.

Big picture,I really don't think I'll be bothered until I make a BIG computer upgrade to 64 bit,which won't be for awhile.For me,software upgrades at this point are just diversions from the big picture.I have the tools,just not the time,and the money for the upgrade could be spent elswhere.

Still I'll try and keep an open mind and read your replies and see if I can be swayed. :cool:
TravisinFlorida said:
it just does'nt make sense to me for software companies to keep adding features when they have'nt fixed known bugs.

They have made a commitment to release a 4.0.4 version as a final patch release and bug fix for the v4 codebase.

That is fair as far as I see it.

Most software companies REGULARLY release new versions with HUGE open bug counts and then charge for the fixes - not offering a final update of the old code.

Cakewalk's commitment to a 4.0.4 - the fourth patch inside 12 months - is a pretty bloody amazing record of customer service in the software industry if you ask me.


It is fast. Sonar 4 came on the heels of 3 in less than a year. Fortunately, I found 4 to be worth the upgrade. I will buy 5 too, for the 64 bit feature ... I own a 64 bit dual processor rig.

Trouble is, not many device drivers have software written for 64 bit, so the conversion is still a little dicey.

Qwerty said:
They have made a commitment to release a 4.0.4 version as a final patch release and bug fix for the v4 codebase.

That is fair as far as I see it.

Most software companies REGULARLY release new versions with HUGE open bug counts and then charge for the fixes - not offering a final update of the old code.

Cakewalk's commitment to a 4.0.4 - the fourth patch inside 12 months - is a pretty bloody amazing record of customer service in the software industry if you ask me.



it's fair as long as they actually fix the bugs without introducing new ones. software companies are kind of funny. Would you buy a car that has well known defects in hopes that the company will have a recall to fix it? This seems to be the attitude with software companies........."release it, we'll make more money off of them when we fix the bugs".

I'm wondering, how is it a commitment to customer service to fix things that should have worked right in the first place? It just seems to me, the bugs should be fixed before a new version is released. I'm I alone on this?

If I purchase a piece of software, I think it should function as the company claims it to. Otherwise, I'm getting ripped off. If I bought a car and the a/c did'nt work, I would damn sure be taking it back to the dealer and either get it fixed or get a different car. Why should the software industry be any different? Why do we let these things slide?
moskus said:
YAY!!!! :D :D

Pure Space Convolution Reverb

But I just upgraded, damnit! :(
Well, this about makes up my mind. I am definitely gonna wait on this one.

Most of the goodies in version 5.0 appear to be centered on the Producer Edition (Roland autotune, convolution reverb, etc.). I was pretty much set on upgrading to Studio 5.0 (from Studio 3.X), but the more I look at the package - Studio does not seem to have much to offer. (And even less to those who already have Studio 4.X)

The upgrade price for me for Producer is not horrible ($229), IF the extra goodies are worth it. For example, prior to release, everyone was foaming at the mouth over the Lexicon reverb. After release, the foam quickly subsided. Therefore, I want to see the user feedback on these goodies before taking the plunge.
Too much $$$ for the upgrade # change

Im still an Owner of Sonar 3 Producer. I have had the pleasure of "demo-ing" sonar 4 and did not think it was worth the money for the upgrade. Now, here is Sonar 5. They have to cut me a better deal than $179 to upgrade. Besides Im sure that 5.0.1 will be released fixing some of the bugs before I can even blink.

Listen UP, Cakewalk folks, Here is what I want. Are You listening????

First Off, I want the MP3 encoder included in the program. Im not going to pay you for something I can get free. Its just a hassle to have to go outside the program to do my conversions. You take the $ out of what I give you and submit it for license fees!!!! That really gets my goat, I pay $500 for a program and they want to hit me for MP3 rights. :eek: :eek:

Second I want a 2 1/2 year FREE upgrade to whatever you put out if I give you my hard earned $$$ now. I'll be investing in the future and I can justify that.
Im sure that in 2 1/2 years you will greatly improve your product in order to stay competitive and I wont have to go broke because you basically changed the version # and added a few more toys (like Sonar 4 definitely IS the poster child of).
Im glad I saved that money!! :cool: :p

Third I want a PRofessional AND comprehensive tutorial INCLUDED. You want to increase market share? Teach people the how to best utilize your program. If they produce Pro quality music with it, We all win. You add these Toys to the program and don't realize that, I dont have TIME to figure out how to use them all on my Own.

How about a price for a lifetime Upgrade like so many aggressive programs offer. I bet you would not mind a huge boost in your PE ratio :D next year

There thats my HIT :( :confused: :o

amen brother!

the mp3 thing is a bunch of crap!

good tutorials would definately help anyone that is new to sonar or to anyone that just does'nt have alot of time to figure everything out.

my main bitch: fix the bugs in the current version before releasing a new version! maybe more testing is in order before final release? if it does'nt work, don't include it. take it out. add it later in an update.