SONAR 32nd notes problem


New member
I used to have Home Studio, but upgraded to sonar. Apart from recording, I use it to make the midis for my band's songs, but SONAR isn't letting me use any notes shorter than 16ths. 16th triplets, and 32nds are greyed out, and when i halve the duration in a 16th's properties, it just displays is as a 16th, although it can be positioned as a 32nd.

Any ideas?
I suspect you have snap to grid on and your grid resolution is at 16th notes.

There's an option in the Show/Hide Grid settings to make it as small as 64th notes.

DId you even look at the manual or online help? A simple search on the phrase "32nd" would have found you this.

Do you actually need to notate this stuff? Your band is reading parts with 32nd notes? I feel sorry for them...
Yes I've looked at the SONAR help, and i've searched google; I didn't find anything.

Even with the snap properties set to 32nd or 64th, the 32nd note button in the staff view is disabled. My band does note read the notation, no! I am just trying to save my compositions so if I forget them they do not disappear.
Really? Never looked at that. Could just be because SONAR's not very good at notation; it's not as good as a dedicated scoring app like Finale or Sibelius. But it's not meant to be.

If the notes are the right lengths, then it doesn't matter how SONAR represents them on "paper." If you load the MIDI data into Sibelius or Finale you would see the right note granularity
Yeah that's true. It's just a lot more work to manually set every note to the right duration and start position. So if anyone knows a way to fix it, that would be great.
You can set a filter to go through and change groups of selected notes to have different durations rather than one at a time.
Meanwhile, according to the SONAR help file, you can enter values as short as 32nd notes in the notation view... and it says this:

Note: You cannot insert notes whose durations are less than the value in the Display Resolution field, which is located in the top level of the Staff view toolbar.