Sonar 3 wav ouput issues


windows media player tells me some AIFF code is wrong and just is silent, winamp and other players start to play, but when I skip through the song it the music turns to horrible distortion. Nero wont burn it as wav bacause of "errors". I can convert it to mp3 and then evrything is fine.

This is all AFTER i did an "export audio". some songs have this, some don't. As far as I know, all settings are equal between songs. I only record analog audio or import existing wav audio. fiel settings are 16 bit 44.1kHz (cuz I'm a lazy bastard :D)

ANyone know what's wrong? Much appreciated!
guhlenn said:
some songs have this, some don't.
Do the same songs have it every time you try to export them?

If so, that sugggests something about the project itself, rather than Sonar. I'd start disabling plugins or tracks one at a time until you get a working WAV file, and work back from there.

One thing you might try first, though: When you export, turn off the "Fast Bounce" checkbox (lower-right of the export dialog box.) If that solves the problem, then I'd say it's a safe bet you're dealing with a plugin problem.
will try, thanks alot.

songs that are affected are always affected. songs that aren't are always fine.

Will report back, thansk again!