Something for all guitarplayers/guitarlovers [Metal]


New member
Hi, this solosection is part of a larger song that I'm working on. As a means to measure it's quality, I'd like you to rate this piece on a scale from "Must buy" to "My ears hurt". What do you think? (Given you're at all interested in metal and/or guitarplaying)

MP3 / 2.2 MB: Solosection

I'm looking forward to your comments!

It's not bad. I can tell the drums and (bass?) are electronically controlled, but don't sound too bad. The overall mix sits well. Very progressive rock. I like the stereo panning on the hammond organ. The guitar tone's alright, seemed a bit frail to me. Needed more depth and body. If the guitar was miked, I'd say move the mics closer. Not bad, I'd like to hear the whole song once it's completed.
The truth?

No melody and way out of time in several places.

The guitar tone sounds like a POD, overly compressed and nasal.

A little advice from an old timer, scales and finger excercises do not a solo make.
I like how the the "song" piece developes.

I`m not gonna comment the synthetci bass and drums, I`m sure you use what you have.

I think you have some cool ideas, you need to work a bit more on the presciscion, (dont we all :D ), but for me music is not about :mad: nitpicking :mad: :rolleyes: its about moods and creativity and you have some great moments there. :cool:

You sound like your really talented on your axe, just do a few more takes on the solo`s I`m sure your`e gonna nail it perfectly.

Keep at it, I think you possess some great talent :cool:
Stoertebeker said:
Hi, this solosection is part of a larger song that I'm working on. As a means to measure it's quality, I'd like you to rate this piece on a scale from "Must buy" to "My ears hurt". What do you think? (Given you're at all interested in metal and/or guitarplaying)

MP3 / 2.2 MB: Solosection

I'm looking forward to your comments!


Hey Stoertebeker,

I am a guitar player and I love most styles from metal to rock to even some country!..( :eek: :eek: :D ).....I listen to all types and styles of music because they all have something to offer those of us out there who appreciate some good playing!

On this section of your tune you have posted I really like the tone you have captured on the lead guitar, and even more so the clean pristine chords.

A few moments here regarding timing issues and some note choices, however practice makes perfect and I can hear that you have some fine playing skills displayed here, just a little more in the discipline and construction (an area in which I myself and I'm sure many others need to work on) of certain passages and I think you will be cooking!

Keep at it!
Thanx for sharing, I look forward to the finished product!...Nice Work!

Encouragement is what I am offering here amongst some constructive criticism!

Gorty :)
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I think what you recorded was great! This is a BBS for home recording and the skill shown in your piece was clearly evident. Ok, some tidying up to do but if that is all it needs you have a great talent. I would buy.
true-eurt said:
I would still buy it!! :D

So would I !

Some good guitar tones/playing going on here. Cool prog rock flavor.....

Looking forward hearing the rest of the tune when you get it done.....thanks for sharing...

:) :) :) :) :)
Has some nice elements. The mechanical sound of some parts actually fits this well. I'd say, drop the volume of everything. It gets a bit muddled when every instrument is playing. Make a mix wiht lower volume, and get the lead to set well. Then, bring everything up. The lead got lost at one point. At 1:40, when the drums really start going, the lead just bacomes part of the music. Mix it all way lower, and then try and increase the overall volume...then compress a small amount. You need the dynamics to make the lead sit out a bit. Don't worry initially about overall volume. Let the listener turn up his (or her) system. Keep the parts somewhat seperate, and then try and meld them together, while still keeping the dynamics.
Thank you for your ideas and opinions. I agree on the slightly too loud organ sound. The clean guitar chords could be spiced up a little, as well.

For those wondering about the guitar tones: They're coming from a Line 6 PODxt straight into my Soundblaster Audigy Player (very pro, indeed!).

This is what I used recording the song:
Bass: Edirol Super Quartet; Drums - Groove Agent 2: Sequencer: Ableton Live 5
You need to get some money quick from the guys who said they would buy it. JK:

See if they are being sincere or just patronizing. :p

I got the POD tone thing right.

Keep at it, you get it all dialed in with some work.
I don’t know what else to say. Drum track is not belonging here.
Only thing you need is real rhythm section and everything will be perfect.
Well done!