Something Blue

Perdicament said:
Thats some good shit right there, sounds like the mix fits the tune real well!

Thanks for the kind words Perdicament...

Anyone else care to share thier opinions? :p
Nice sounds man....great drums...they are fitting nicely. Voice is really good. Sits well in the song. Guitars have a nice tone...I'd like to hear them louder, but that is just a personal preference....they might distract from the rest of the song if they were louder. Bass has a nice pocket.

All in all, song is put together pretty well, and has a great feel to it. Cymbals sound really good. I like it.... :D
It sounds really good, I only have three complaints.
1. The cymbals are a little overbearing when he is riding on the crash.
2. The drums are lacking any low end push. (could be cause by the overheads being too loud)
3. The mix is almost completely in mono (just my taste)
Great job otherwise.