Someone please tell me whats going wrong???


New member
Im switching my tascam us-800 from my hp that runs xp to my toshiba that runs win7. Tascam says the us-800 is compatible with windows 7, and everytime i get to the very end of the driver installation and my laptop tells me the drivers are being installed, then all of a sudden it says installation failed and that drivers were not installed properly. Also it says that windows updater was looking for the latest drivers. Why must it look for drivers online, isnt that what theres a driver disc is for? can someone explain this to me please?
I tried lol their customer support was garbage. At least they were towards me. Do you run win7? if so what interface? and yes i checked the website for drivers theyre not there, before anyone asks lol..
I ordered Win7 family pack upgrade and will get it tomorrow. I'm expecting a lot of trouble during the transition. Wish me luck.

I've got two interfaces, a phonic helix mixer/interface and the Lavry Black series using spdif through an EMU card. Both companies say they have drivers compatible with Win7. We'll see.

Back to your driver issues: These kind of specific issues are very difficult for anyone to troubleshoot without actually being there. There are just so many variables that have to be considered. You should allow windows to search online for the latest drivers. They might have fixed some bugs since printing the driver cd you are using.
consider your luck wished lol. its been quite the bang-head-against-wall-here experience thus far. i wen to talk to some proffesionals and i was told im just going to have to wait until drivers are released. And i think 2 months has been enough waiting, so if any interface/soundcard happens to work at all for you after your transistion, please post the info so i can try the same product or similar