someone cheer me up (ordered delta 44)


New member
Nothings going right lately, everything sucks.

I ordered my Delta 44 today, brand new on ebay, went to pay and they wont ship it to my school since its not verifed address via paypal, so now its getting shipped home and i wont have it for 7 weeks.

If you read my posts before, Musicians Friend wouldn't ship my Fostex PM-1 monitors here either since my card wasnt registered for here. those came yesturday to my house.

I sold my DP01FX with extra stuff and got rapped on ebay, didnt expect it, should have put reserve higher.

I think i have to quit mys chool and transfer because they dont offer a teaching degree here that lets me teach computer classes such as Photoshop, typing, publication, typing, web design.

its been a very bad week, mainly today. :(
That's weird, I've never had any problems getting stuff shipped to me at school. You should be happy that you're actually getting this stuff. I'm a recording major and I can't afford equipment. The requirements at school demand I devote all day every day to work/practice (weekends are practice and rest), so no time for a job. My work study grant was denied this year so I couldn't even work on campus if I wanted to.

As far as the teaching thing goes, I didn't think there were specific degrees for that. You could do graphic design with an English minor. Not sure about teaching credentials though.