Somebody please add some bass to this.

i did a ruff fix, song has too many change ups for me to follow so i wasn't about to spend all night on it, also it would have helped if you mentioned the tempo I guess around 120bpm, i own quite a few bass guitars but wasn't about to get them out at 5 in the morning, heres my experient with a bass synth... it at least gives you an 'idea'


if that doesn't work try this link
Sorry. It is at 120 BPM. The first section is a C- Am/B- Am- F - G
The middle section is just E -E7 - A
The last section someone did for me and I don't remember what it was exactly I think it was C - Am - A something - G but I will have to check.
I just listened to it. You can't hear the bass very much and when you can it just sounds like mud. Let me know if you get some time to add something to it. Did you do any mixing on this track? It sounds brighter now on the link you sent me.

Thanks again
do you have the .wav file for this? so I can add it to my reaper file and play with it? Sounds good I appreciate it. I am listening on crappy speakers though so I will listen more when I get home.

Thanks again.
You want the wav of just the bass?

No problem.

Do you want me to use YouSendIt?

I can do it tomorrow afternoon if you still like it then.
I would love to have the file if you will send it to me. I think its a pretty good bassline. I have a friend of mine working on one as well, but your sounds good to me. There is a lot of statis on your track . I can hear it right before the bass comes in. Where you using a lot of gain?
I would love to have the file if you will send it to me. I think its a pretty good bassline. I have a friend of mine working on one as well, but your sounds good to me. There is a lot of statis on your track . I can hear it right before the bass comes in. Where you using a lot of gain?

The bass I use is a single coil single pickup precision and it is noisy. I don't think there was much gain. I went thru a Korg toneworks using one of the cabinet models and that adds a little noise too. There is some finger noise too so you're hearing a smorgasbord of noise.