Some suggestions, please.....John?


New member
I need some sugestions on room tweaking.

I will attach a few links for visual purposes. I have decent sized finished basement I like to call my studio. Redoing too much is not an option so I need creativity here. All in all I like the sound of the room but I also know it needs some work.....low ceilings give overheads hell sometimes!

We pull the drums out into the middle of the room for tracking which sits it right in between 2 sets of lights with a vent in the middle. I had this idea of construction a lightweight wooden frame around some of that nice Knauff stuff that has the same ratings as the Auralex stuff (was a thread here a while back) and covering with material. This thing would be probably 8x4 or whatever would be needed to "umbrella" the drums. It would hang just below the ceiling on 6 or 8 hooks so it would be removable for the vent....mostly just to cut down tinniness bouncing back to the overheads.

Do you suppose this would work? This is more "absorbtion." Would diffusion be better? Something like Aurelex Tfusors? I suppose I could do the same with those.

Also, we talked of mounting something similar but more permanent and artsy looking behind the drum position to cut down on reflection some. Any thought?

Bass traps....need them? Upper corners or floor level? The carpet is super thick with extra padding...dont know if it matters.

What about to the side of the drum position where you see the "control center?"

I know this is a lot to ask but I need a few suggestions. The ceiling thing is probably the most's not horrible, but I know it could be better. All in all the room sounds live and room micing sounds pretty cool. I dont want to kill the room as much as "sweeten" it just a pinch.

BTW, I dont intend to mix in this room...tracking is the deal here.

Thanks for taking the time....please have a look and share some thoughts:

yes - I'd go with what you suggest - notice that the closest wall to the drum overheads is the ceiling with short delays which will cloud the oheads imaging. Yes you could put one behind the drummer but do the ceiling first and see if you need it. In a room like yours you would be better off adding some low-mid absorption to counter the ceiling you are going to put in.


Thanks a ton! So you think the idea would work, huh? Absorbtion rather than diffusion for overheads?

What do you mean when you say "In a room like yours you would be better off adding some low-mid absorption to counter the ceiling you are going to put in." Where? How much?

Are you also saying that bass traps are much less a probable priority?

Sorry, you almost gotta spell it out for me with this stuff!:p

I greatly appreciate the help,

Well if you are going to put in say 10 square feet of high end absorption you should balance it with a similar area in low-mid absorption to keep the room flat.

Check out low-imid absorbers at


BTW - are you the drummer in the pic?? If so - your ride cymbal is very low, makes it hard to get a mic in there for the toms without getting heaps of ride cymbal in the sound. just thought I'd mention it :):)

I'm a monkey.....


I'm not the drummer......I will pass the tip on to him though!

Where would the Lo-mid absorber be? On the wall, perhaps, behind the drum position? I was thinking of putting some type of design on that wall anyway, perhaps, made up of some sort of absorbers.....possibly something like this:

Unfortunately, this was also the plan for the overhead. Is this bad? Should they differ? On SAE, I assume I'm looking at the panel absorbers, right? "Using fibreboard as an alternative?" Isnt this the same idea? The part that throws me is "Using fibreboard as an alternative tends to create a low-mid absorber." It makes me think the design would be about the same as the link above.

How can I differ them? Man I'm lost...sorry!

Thanks for the help once again!!

yes Dan's panels are great..... but they are high end absorption only. If you were to place slots over his frames you would have a low-mid slot resonator.

In your case I'd be looking at some of dan's panels on the ceiling and slots on the walls.
