some of you higher end cats help me out please

Okay I didn't read this whole thread so don't jump on me..I will throw my .02 in..
I have worked on the D8B and the Tascam. From a pure experience standpoint I can tell you that mixing in the box with good plugs will beat these guys hands down. Guys who are mixing out of the box successfully are doing it with really high end consoles and outboard gear. Point 2...I dislike protools (I dislike ANYTHING that is proprietary)..yeah the tdm version works great but everything else is mediocre at best and hence overpriced. There is a ton of software out there that is equal to or better than LE at 1/10 the price (someone mentioned Reaper which is a very good platform..FOR 50$!) forget summing unless you have money to drop on a Neve, API, Neotek or the like (not to mention the pricey outboard gear). Get yourself some good mics, pres, plugs, converters, treat your rooms and get an accurate monitor set up and you will be ahead of the game.

Check out the Akai DPS 24. They quit making em (dammit :mad:) but I've seen used ones on ebay and craigslist.

Had mine for about 6 years and never a hiccup. Pretty solid. :cool:

Alot of my friends with protools setups laugh...until a client wants a live recording...while they have to turn down the job...I just bring my