Some of mine...


I listened to "Kindness".
Pretty decent tune. I thought the vocals might sound better with a tighter pan towards center. The git on the left was a little low and I heard an abrupt pan jump to center during the second set of verses.?. Smooth song and the chorus had a mellow appeal.

Is that pal of yours, Dave Blank, originaly from Minnesota? If so, this might be one of those "small world" things.


I listened to "Kindness" and it's a pretty good tune.It sounds a kinda like a radio friendly song from the 70's.The vocals could stand to be more out front.They seem to get lost in the mix.

The electric guitar sounds a little weird panned out to one side ..It sounds like it's on it's on and not part of the mix.It jumps to the center of the mix for a second during the song and then jumps back out wide right.

Other than that the song is really easy to listen to and has a nice hook/melody.

Nice 70's sounding keys and I really like the harmony guitar parts.

I liked it.;)
Theron, thanks for the compliments. My vocals are my achilles heal. I panned 2 good composites left and right and dropped out here and there on each of of them and so I panned the remaining one to the center and then back again (does that make sense?), I'm not really happy with it. Also, kept them a little buried.

By the way, Dave Blank lives in St. Louis Park. Do you know him?

Kramer, thank you for the kind words. Comparing me to 70's pop is definately a compliment. I'm a fan of panning things around as you can tell. I don't mind overt moves, maybe being weened on Queen records did that to me (not that I'm drawing comparisons). I tend to mix things in headphones and then check them on speakers. A flaw maybe.

Thanks for the input.
By the way, Dave Blank lives in St. Louis Park. Do you know him,

Yes I do. I was the snot nosed kid that always wanted to be in the room when he was practicing at Mike Flemings's house during Daves Hschool days. He showed me his home made guitar in the making and I would watch him as he pumped out "Stixx and Queen"covers in Mike's basement.............Last I heard, he was making good on the PoP scene.

Keep in mind, I was just a little pre-pubesant in Mound, MN at the time.

Damn, That guy has chops to spare!!

I'd say recut the lead vox. Singing is fun so, why not?! Push the left and right pan of the other vocal tracks more to center and see how that sounds. Your voice in chorus sounds really good and your voice solo is fine if you don't try and hide it or trick it:)

Who the hell are you? I was in a band with Dave and Mike in high school in Mound, we rocked Lake Minnetonka! Dave does have the chops and he and I are still close, though I live in L.A. now. Up until recently he was playing in a band call Camp Super Fun. I'm trying to get him to buy some new equipment and join the likes of us on this forum.

About the vocals... maybe I'm too hard on myself, but my intonation isn't what I want it to be. I'll give them another try, or maybe I'll just keep working on my next song.

I thought you had a pretty nice tone on all the instruments. They certainly fit the atmosphere of the song. Decent playing.

There were some syncing issues on the lead vocals. I would either fix those spots or take out the hard panning and back down the volume of one of them (I think theron mentioned that too). I also think the level of the vocals are bit down in the mix - it was tough to hear some of the words because they got buiried.

Harmonies in the chorus would help. I thought the melody line during the chorus was a bit weaker than in the verse (which was actually pretty nice). There was this kind of buildup to it, but I was expecting more.

I wasn't crazy about the riff (it was nice as the melody line of the verse but didn't seem to work as a riff). I really didn't like sound of the keyboard part that carried it. It sounded like music on an infomercial. The guitar picks it up in the middle and it sounded better there.

There was a guitar chord that hit around 2:00 that was really loud.
Thanks for the advice TripleM...

I'm going to remix the vocals as the panning thing is not working. Also, the guitar pan at 2:00.


is the only one i've listened to so far, and i get that 70's pop feel as well. nice clean recording!!!!!!! and good song!!

well done my friend, i'll check out the other's too.



I got a chance to listen to them here at work. I like Kindness, the verses especially but I think as someone else said harmonies on the chorus would help a lot, on the word 'kindness'. I dig all the classic Titman dual lead lines! And the synth line - I liked that sound, retroish and all.
Frozen Moments - I like the structure of it, long intro. The synth sound is awesome 80's (to me), I love it.
So you've been a busy beaver I see! Recording away.

Sinner has joined! Mafer Rook Rules! Why don't you get some gear and join the party? Huh!?

Okay, so I made the changes to "Kindness", including backing vocals on the chorus. I'll upload it as soon as I can, I can't get onto Tripod right now for some reason, but I'll post again when I do.

Fender- thanks for the kudos!

jjtcorsair said:
Why don't you get some gear and join the party? Huh!?

I've still got my old Portastudio HS:rolleyes:

Have you looked into a POD or V-Amp or any of those direct recording things? I noticed Musicians Friend is blowing out the version 1 V-Amp for $79. I tried one the other weekend, it wasn't bad.
New "Kindness" mix

Check out the new version of "Kindness". I incorporated most suggestions. I hope it's better, I've only got 10 tracks and I'm starting to feel the squeeze.

Sinner- I'm afraid to get one of those direct guitar all in one whiz bangs. I'm afraid I'll get that distortion tone that everyone uses and I'll LIKE it. Still, I could use some better tones... those things are so cheap. Hell, I go back and forth. My Strat straight into an amp cuts some cheese a lot of the time.


I've still got my old Portastudio HS

...You're dying words
Vocals are oh so much better. The volume placment sounds great. Nice articulate tracking and I like the smooth effect. Definative improvement IMHO.

I still say that the rhythm git on the right should be more involved. Maybe take off some of the distortion and up the volume. It doesn't sound like it it "in the mix" but rather, playing along to the song. If that makes any sense.

Nice git playing.

Say "hey" to Dave if he remembers me. I doubt it though.....

Pronounced improvement in the mix dude!



I do like the changes. Thanks for the help. I think I can let this one be now, and move on.

BTW- Dave is now on the board as "Sinner".
theron said:
I still say that the rhythm git on the right should be more involved. Maybe take off some of the distortion and up the volume. It doesn't sound like it it "in the mix" but rather, playing along to the song. If that makes any sense.

I totally agree with that.. and if not that, I think another suggestion would be to maybe take it out all together.. It was distracting..I thought the very first vocal verse was borderline.. the choruses sound great, but the verses are a bit weaker... it got a lot better as it went on though.. I liked the guitar solos and the sounds of them, just not that buzzy little rhythm in the right..

Other than that, it sounds great over here.. Nice recording, mix and song.. and very nice playing..
Good chops and recording. Definately has that 80's synth thing going on. I only heard the version with the harmonies on the chorus. It's used there to very good effect. I'm like you, critical of the sound of my own voice (I cringe when I hear it back from a recording).