Some Newb-like Questions


New member
Let's say I were to get the Soundcraft M8. Would I need to get a program like Live 3.0 for me to be able to record onto my computer? How would I connect the M8 to my computer? If I did need Live 3.0, would there be any need for me to have my Cubase SL?

Thanks a lot,
If you want to record seperate instruments onto individual tracks you will need a multiple input soundcard.

To record a full band in one go you'll get away with an 8 input soundcard. That'c 4 mics on the drum kit, bass drum, snare and 2 overheads, 1 for bass guitar, one for vocals and one for guitar...leaving you 1 spare for a 2nd guitar or a backing vocal

you could just plug everything into the mixer and record the stereo out into a normal stereo input soundcard but you'll have no way of altering the individual instrument volumes once you record

So if I get a multiple input soundcard, would I want to get Live 3.0? Would I still use Cubase SL, like after Live 3.0, I could edit it on Cubase? And, what multiple input soundcard would you suggest?

Then I just hook up the mixer to the soundcard and the soundcard is hooked up to the computer, and I can record?

Thanks a lot for your help,