Some live, some studio...comments?


New member

Just curious what folks might have to say about some of my "stuff"....

I do a fair amount of live sound with bands/festivals, etc., and quite often record the mayhem, usually to 16 track DAW. I then transfer said tracks to the home computer and mix down in CEP or Cubase. At home I usually track to CEP, or Cubase, and then master/dither in Wavelab, tracking through a Layla 24 and various chunks o' outboard gear.

The first collection of stuff was recorded at the Hasheater's Feast here in Minnesota, an annual event lasting into the wee hours. John Sunell was one of the more "out there" performers, although I really dig what he does...Pretty basic, '57's and '58's to the board, then mixed later.

The "studio" stuff is mostly me, with some vocal help....just odds and sods with a strong psychedelic nod. Fun to do stuff with no pressure just for the hell of it. All kinds of outboard weirdness here....If I'm fortunate enough to get a comment I'll elaborate....: )....

listening to Croc at my feet

Very "Doors" feeling here......................
Love the sound you get on the bass and electric guitar.
Vocal sounds equally well recorded.
Someone has access to some costly gear IMO
Love that delay on the guitar
Love that bit of feedback.
Modern phsycadelia, very nice
I listened to your studio sweepings and learnt a lot. I particularly liked the Got the Munchies song.

Nice production values throughout - simple, but clever use of FX. I liked them a lot. The percussion panning at the beginning of the munchies song and I also liked the slide guitar part.


:) Q.
Hey, thanks for the kind words, guys!

Upon re-reading my original post, it's clear I have to give credit where credit is due -- while almost everything here is my playing, the exception would be "Crocodile", which was a straight to digital recoding of a basement jam by 3 friends of mine, whom I do a lot of projects with. Originally over 16 minutes in length, it has a lot of peaks and would've been fun to hear in it's entirety, but I wouldn't subject anyone to such a HUGE d/l just on spec :)....Besides, Yahoo has a 5Mb upload limit, so had to edit an excerpt. I mixed the track subsequently and made liberal use of effects, panning, doubling, etc. It may be interesting to note that the singer/rhythm guitarist is the lead guitarist's wife! The bass player has the focus of a dog waiting for baby to drop dinner on the floor -- one note for 16 minutes! The bass makes it work, though. During mixing I used the Yamaha Rev500 verb and the Symetrix 606 delay as well as the Psp42 plugin...Thanks for the assumption that bocu bucks were thrown at this, but I'll have to disappoint you there. 57's and 58's were used during tracking, the bass was DI'd, and the guitars were: rhythm -- tele to Fender Princeton, lead -- strat to Blues Jr, with 808 pedal, volume pedal.
Fun to do....

The Munchies song was really more of an excuse to use my newly acquired Symetrix 606 in conjunction with the Electrix Repeater . Slide wanking over a d to g change....Also, fun to do : ) !! Tracked through a FMR Audio Really Nice Pre...Really love this little pre......

Thanks again, and I know that to receive an opinion, one must give them, and I promise....I won't just be a lurker!

Peace and Carrots