Some feg chilout session by me!


shreder wannabe
Did this a while ago, its a bit strange, as i came from the heavy metal, and i cam out with this, somechillout and some feggish ;) (you'll understand when hearing the birds)
anyway would like to get your opinion on this!

Will aprreciate comments!

The file can be found on my site (linked on my signature), song name:change of seasons,

Or just a direct link :

Nice Tune Aviel.

Good percussions....and birds..... :D

Nice "flute", piano and guitar.....

Very interesting sounds throughout.

I would say this would be very good in a television or movie scene that involves suspense, drama, intrigue in the outdoors.....

Well written and arrangement and performance is great!

:D :) :D :)
Hehe thanks!
well i was trying to figure out to what movie scene it could go lol, maybe NAtional Geographic will want it :P