Some Confusion with -10dBV and +4dBu


New member
Hello. Hoping to get some help with a few devices and how to best run them, as I am struggling finding anything about this in the instruction manuals.

I am using an Apogee Duet 2 Interface.

Firstly I am using KRK Rokit 5 Powered monitors. In the output I have the option of both -10dBV and +4dBu and am not sure of which one I should be running at. +4 is louder.

Also recently I have been doing my first DI bass recordings with a new bassist.

He has a Tech 21 Sansamp Bass Driver Deluxe Pedal & a DI out of His Hartke LH500. I am running an XLR from the units to my interface. I get signal on Microphone input as well as -10dBV and +4dBu. I would assume that I should be using the normal microphone input, but just wanted to check.

Use the +4 between interface and monitors. I'd guess that +4 input would be best for the DIs also, as long as you keep it balanced. They're both active sources, and probably don't actually need any gain from the mic pre.