"Solid State" portable recorders


New member
now, I've actually found how do they call the device I was lokking for :
"Solid State" recorders
Gee, I had to imagine it after all... :rolleyes:

But, they are very very EXPENSIVE!!! :eek:


Now I understand the reason for which Mini Disc portable recorders seem to be the only affordable and cheap way to record around with a good quality result.

Unfortunately, the MD seems to have the bloody limitation to be unable to quickly download the music into a PC, via USB or something else... that definitely sucks!!!

From what I could gather, it seems that SONY created this problem to avoid unauthorized music copy... but come on, do me a favour... don't make me laugh!!!! :p :p :p This is pathetic!!!

Not you again! ;)

Is fast downloadabilty REALLY that important? I mean, do you work in radio news, where speed is of the essence and your audio has to be ready in time for the next bulletin?

Just load in the audio via analogue *what?!* at line-level, in *gulp* real-time.

Next you'll be complaining that you can't record real sounds in non-real time... :)

As far as my MD friends have said, Sony WILL be releasing software later this year to enable uploading from MD of uncompressed audio via USB. So don't fret.

The bloody i-Pod generation...sheesh...